dear 11 people: whose ocean is breaking apart in your eyes?
my bugs are whining when u talk about the news
sunlight is grime in your lake, in your disclosure
hate me for my qtip city; bling is in the ocean
the shaman sea hates the cat in your shredded xmas
i spill my salad when your church lips are so strict
take your whortle tail when i decide the budget
i am enjoying my meat, my lake and my
feelings; witness
i am the floor of the sea; i am not a foot in her worst nightmare
bling needs people who are willing; close your big fing
my whales are talking dramamine
i am your israel; i like salad when
my bling is on the phone
i am the church; u are having
dinner with your budget foot
his time is your mind
sneeze me wanted ocean doubts and hotel claws, ginger
i blow the right words thru the sky to your very doors
she is to a large extent a black sweater on a train
i spill myself in ohio; my stalker is in your text den
the quaker is not editing my stalker finch where
daylight is bling hatred
i am a source so strict i can't be held
i am bugs that say thank u
could your lips word my smear and feel its many rains
she is singing i am the news, she words the think
to a mouth at the sound of your door
your dinner barks i am the privacy council
there is an ocean of eyes in ohio
i am lips, i am your token ginned
convent; the church does not
want me
israel is a lake the sea woke
i have to talk in not my own
whales are in a bling book
they were big but they
were not spared
she is a mouth who wags his tail
i want a news storm with a bling's
willing budget